Today is Mother's Day. My first of many, thanks to you. (And Daddy too.) I don't know what Dad has up his sleeve for the day, but I know whatever it is, it will be wonderful because I will have gotten to spend time with my boys.
Right now, we're living far from both sides of our family. Mommy's is in Florida, and Daddy's is all over the place: either in Florida, Utah, Arizona, or Pennsylvania. Anyway, because we're so far, we don't get to see anybody very often; but, I think its very important you know who you're family is, and what they mean to us. So today, being Mother's Day, I wanted to tell you about mine and Daddy's mothers-- your Bubbie and Nana and Grandma. They're all very special ladies and I love each one of them. I'm so thankful for your Nana and Grandma. They both helped Dad become the awesome person he is today. And of course, your Bubbie gave me life, so she is very, very important to me.

Your Bubbie is one of the most amazing people I know.
(And no, I'm not just saying that to kiss up. I really mean it.)

Your Nana is a very strong, brave lady.
I'm also really grateful for your Grandma Katie. Ever since her and your Grandpa got married, she's treated your dad just like one of her own. She's always been there for him; always supported him in whatever he was doing. Daddy won't call her his step-mom. She is his "other mother". I love your Grandma. Her and Grandpa have done so much for your dad and I. They're far away in Pennsylvania now, but they're still close at heart and always just a phone call away. Grandma has helped me become a better person. She's taught me alot about raising children in the Gospel, and she's been such a wonderful example for me.
Your Grandma is my "other mother" too.
See bug? You're three times blessed... You've got 3 wonderful grandmothers who love you very much. We're lucky to have them in our lives.
*Happy Mother's Day, ladies! We love all three of you. Thank you for everything you do for us.*
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