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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

25 days of fun, and your birth story

Day 1 of your grand existence
Mommy here. Today I decided to start this blog for you. Well, for me for you. I'm going to write as often as I can. I don't know if it will be everyday, every other day or maybe just once a week. But I will write. About lots of things- how much you're growing, the things we're doing, my hopes and dreams for you, and more. Maybe one day when you're older, you'll look back at everything written and smile. Or cry. Or both. And maybe you won't, but thats okay. I'll still write. Its a good way to help us remember things we would've otherwise forgotten. I don't want to forget a thing.

Today is May 3rd and you're only 25 days old, but already you've changed my life. You changed my life before you were even born. You've brought so much joy and excitement into my {otherwise dull and boring} life. Nothing will ever be the same, but I'm not complaining. The last 25 days have been some of the best I've ever had. You haven't done much besides sleep, eat, and poop [not necessarily in that order] but the time we've shared has been so exciting. Watching you grow and change, especially. Even just in the last few days, you've gotten much more alert and aware. Great-Grammy calls you "Bright eyes" because of your big baby blues and how expressive they are. I love to watch you look around and often wonder what you're thinking. If you could talk right now, what would you say? 

Such a proud daddy
The last three and a half weeks have been chalk-full of memorable days. Your birthday was no exception. A few days before you were born, Mommy went to the doctor for -what was supposed to be- her last appointment. You were ready to make your entrance and meet all your adoring fans. I was ready, too. My body had other plans though. You did your part and got into position for the big day, but that just wasn't enough. Daddy was supposed to go to work the next day, and wouldn't be home until a few days after D-day. When we talked to the midwife and told her what was going on and how I was concerned, we all agreed that the best thing for you and I was to be induced. So we got it scheduled and that's when it really hit me... You were finally coming. You'd be here in a few days. HOLY CRAP. Luckily, Daddy got a stand-by and was able to stay home and keep Mommy sane.

The start of something wonderful
The night of April 7th, we headed to the hospital. I got poked with big needles and hooked up to machines. It was really happening. I spent the night with an IV in my wrist, hoping it would help get things moving. It turned out to be a pretty uneventful night. Like I said, you and I were ready. My body wasn't. The morning of the 8th, the midwife came and broke Mommy's water [yuck!]. Thats when the fun started. Long story short, I was in labor for 7 hours but nothing much was changing. The contractions were very intense, and growing stronger. It was hard for me to stay calm and breathe the way I should've, which wound up causing us both stress. In the end, I needed to have a C-section, for your safety. It wasn't the delivery I had planned, but it gave me a healthy baby boy, and that's all that matters.

It was 2:06 in the afternoon on Friday, April 8th when I met the love of my life. (YOU!) A day I will always remember.

I love you, Bright eyes. I will always love you. Thank you for coming into my life, and giving me something to look forward to each day. I might not always know exactly what I'm doing, but I will try my best. I promise.

Hugs and kisses,

1 lovely things said:

Unknown said...

You, your words and your little family are all beautiful. And I'm so lucky to call you my best friend. Love you!

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