Today marks two months since your birth. TIME HAS FLOWN! It still seems like just yesterday that Daddy and I were on our way to the hospital. You've had a rocky beginning, but I know the future is brighter.
On your birthday, you weighed 7lbs, 2oz. You were 20 inches long.
At your 2mo. check up, you weighed 7lbs, 13oz. You were 21 inches.
So, you haven't been gaining weight like you should be. Your pediatrician, Maj. Weatherwax, says you should be almost 10lbs. We were letting you sleep through the night (Mommy likes sleep!), but thats probably what the problem was; you weren't eating enough during the day. So now your dad is waking up every 2-3 hours to feed you at night, and you seem to be doing great! Such a relief... Mommy was really worried about you, little buddy. I love you and I just want you healthy.
On the upside, you've become alot more alert lately; grasping Mommy's finger, smiling, tracking, laughing. You're becoming lots more expressive as well. See?
Silly face |
Sad face |
Sleepy face |
Love you bud!